There are many ways to consume cannabis but the weed vaporizer, including CBD vapes, is emerging as the leading smoking accessory on the market. Vapes are on track to soon take the largest share of the cannabis accessories market, thanks to these factors.
Why weed vaporizer are so popular.
There are several reasons why entrepreneurs should expect vaping to surpass flower, edibles and other methods of consumption across the United States:
Concentrates: Concentrates, usually sold as vapes, are the most popular product in California, the largest American recreational market. Last year in California, cannabis concentrates outsold flower (37 percent compared to 33 percent) for the first time in history, according to figures from BDA Analytics.
The industry as a whole is moving towards vaping. The cannabis industry trend towards vapes is strong in other states. Vape sales increased 69 percent in 2018 alone, according to statistics from the same research firm. More specifically, CBD vape sales grew 105 percent in 2018, alone.
Demographics. The average vape consumer is younger.According to an online survey of cannabis consumers conducted through Facebook, the average vape user is younger than non-user.
Various vape products.
An umbrella term for various products on the market, the weed vaporizer includes pens that work with non-psychoactive CBD, concentrates, vape oil and even dry herb. The weed vaporizer heats the oil into vapor, thus avoiding the combustion process.
In other words, the advantages of smoking out of a pen are the same whether you’re consuming CBD or potent cannabis concentrates.
Pens are the most portable method of consumption.
Vape pens are a portable and discrete method of consumption. There is no herb spillage, pungent smoke or fussing with a bowl.
A study published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse found concealment is the leading reason for vape use (between 35 and 46 percent), followed by convenience for between 29 and 42 percent of responders.
Weed vaporizer delivers stronger effects.
Whether the consumer is using a vape for THC or CBD, it typically delivers stronger effects than other weed accessories.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, vaping cannabis delivers a more potent high. Specifically, the study found that people had larger amounts of THC — the active ingredient in cannabis — in their bloodstream if they had used a weed vaporizer.
In 2018, cannabis use was at a 30-year-high among college students. As cannabis use grows across the country, many consumers are seeking accessories that deliver stronger effects.
As the hemp market booms, so do CBD vape sales.
The vape pen is the popular choice for cannabis and for CBD as well.
The non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis and hemp, CBD or cannabidiol is one of the fastest-growing sections of the cannabis market, though it is hemp-derived and legally distinct from weed.
Another one of today’s hottest cannabis products, CBD vape grew 105 percent increase between 2017-2018. Additionally, research suggests that vaping cannabidiol is a more bioavailable way to consume the compound in comparison to edibles and oil.
This means that by vaping CBD, the human body absorbs a higher percentage of its compounds–somewhere between 34 and 46 percent by conservative research. By contrast, the human body typically absorbs 10 percent of the cannabidiol from edibles.
Is a weed vaporizer a healthier alternative?
The topic of vapes and health is hotly debated. In light of underage e-cigarette use, there is increasing momentum to restrict the sale of vaporizers. Additionally, the distinction between tobacco and cannabis or CBD-containing products is not always legally distinct.
Within the subject of weed vaporizers, there is also discussion of whether liquid options are healthier than smoking dry herb.
There is concern that dry herb produces tar and carcinogens that could produce cancer. The American Lung Association puts forth, “Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.”
In this case, vaping could represent a healthier alternative. One study found that weed vaporizers reduced the respiratory issues that resulted from smoking cannabis.
However, vape quality varies greatly between brands. In its liquid form, cannabis concentrates can come into contact with heavy metals, pesticides, and other carcinogens, making vape quality a primary concern among regulators, vendors, and legislators.
Convenient, concentrated and varied, the weed vaporizer is the future.
With the weed vaporizer, consumers have access to different concentrations and even compounds such as CBD. For plant-touching and non-touching cannabis businesses, the popularity of vaping and the products surrounding it is not to be ignored.
However, there is significant room to rectify issues of product inconsistency. With the research and regulation that comes along with national legalization, the vape market will reach its full potential.